- Hair shall be neat and well-groomed, and can not extend below the uniform shirt collar at any time.
- Hair shall not cover the outside portion of the ear.
- Hair shall not be lower than the relaxed eyebrow of the individual, nor may it be visible on the forehead while a cap is worn.
- Neatly trimmed sideburns or mustaches are permitted.
- Sideburns shall not extend below the bottom of the ear.
- Mustaches shall not extend more than 1/2 of an inch beyond the corners of the mouth nor below the border of the upper lip.
- Fingernails must be clean and trimmed and nails shall not extend beyond the tips of the fingers.
- Earrings are not permitted at any time, even while not in uniform.
- Two conservative rings may be worn.
- Medical bracelets may be worn.
- Hair shall be neat and well-groomed, and shall not interfere with the wearing of the uniform cap.
- Hair shall not extend beyond the bottom of the uniform shirt collar when viewed from behind.
- Hair shall not extend below the bottom of the ear when viewed from the side.
- Hair shall not be lower than the relaxed eyebrow of the individual, nor may it be visible on the forehead while a cap is worn.
- Decorations shall not be worn in the hair. Hair clips or ties that match the color of the hair are permitted.
- Cosmetics must be subdued and blended to match the natural skin color of the individual.
- False eyelashes may not be worn.
- Fingernails must be clean and trimmed and nails shall not extend beyond the tips of the fingers.
- Fingernail polish must be clear.
- Brassieres shall provide adequate support.
- Two conservative rings may be worn.
- Medical bracelets may be worn.
- While off duty, earrings may be worn if they conform to these requirements:
- Only two allowed, one in each earlobe.
- Pierced ear, stud type only.
- Solid color.
- No more than 4.0 mm in diameter.
Body art for both sexes:
- Nobody may display any body art, tattoos, brands, intentional scarring, mutilation, or dental ornamentation while representing the Department in any official capacity.
- Aforementioned body art must remain covered with sleeves or trousers at all times, or removed at the expense of the Explorer.
For all grooming regulations, please refer to the packets distributed at the February 28 meeting. If you have questions, call the Placerville Office at (530) 622-1110 or email