If this is your first visit, be sure to read our first post.This site serves to be a form of communication between CHP Explorers and Officers on events and meetings. This website should also answer questions about exploring to parents and the community. We also aim to use this site as a platform for anyone to advertise community events that require volunteer assistance.
As explorers, we are devoted to serving our community in volunteer based events: Please contact us if you would like our assistance in any form of fundraising, event planning, event staffing, or event advertisement. We will help in literally any way we can. Simply contact us, and we will go from there!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Welcome to CHP Exploring!

Welcome to our site!  This page represents the California Highway Patrol's Explorer group based out of the Placerville Office.

For those of you that do not know what Explorers are, allow me to fill you in!  We are a group of young adults, aged 15-21, that assist the California Highway Patrol any way we can.  We hone our leadership abilities and build responsibility in order to aid and build our communities.  Some of us aspire for a career in Law Enforcement, but all of us desire to simply help our community in any way we can.

We volunteer our time at our Placerville Office with general clerical work, and even have opportunities to work with official CHP Vehicles.  More importantly, we volunteer to help our communities with as many events as we can.  We earn volunteer hours that we then "spend," on ridealong hours where we assist officers in the field with communications, citations, or DUI checkpoints.  Follow along to learn more about what we do!

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